Children Taken by Mothers and Adopted by Step-Fathers Helped by New Access to Birth and Adoption Records

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The move in many states, such as in Colorado in the story linked below, to provide for more open access to birth records and adoption records, has had an effect that is all too rarely swept under the rug: allowing grown children whose mothers have removed them from their fathers lives, and had another man adopt and raise them as their own, to finally be able to learn who their real fathers are, and to reach out and contact them.


It’s too bad that for the below story, from Colorado, they used a situation that did not have a happy ending, where it is implied that the guy ‘deserved it’, but it’s still a very real issue. Ms. Mitchell represented many fathers who did not deserve it, but whose children were whisked away from their fathers, fathers who were told “if you really cared, you would just leave us alone.” (While the number of fathers who “abandon” their children is massively exaggerated in the press and our society, those who do ultimately just go away often do so after being repeatedly told to go away, and being told that their children are better off without the “confusion” and “stress” of having their father constantly try to spend time with them, and eventually the fathers come to believe that their children are better off without being subjected to the ongoing tug and pull, and fighting between their parents.)

Here’s the story in the Denver Post.

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