Single Dad Creates Tech Solution to Tame Birthday Party Chaos

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dad plans birthday party
Photo by Amponsah Nii Davidson from Pexels

While rushing between birthday parties, single dad Alfons Mikhaeil came up with an idea for a mobile app to make organizing your child’s social life easier. Today, JahWow is available free for Android and iOS devices and sports a five-star rating. Seems like necessity isn’t just the ‘mother’ of invention after all. 


No More Forgotten RSVPs

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a parent’s follow-up after you missed a child’s party. That’s especially true if you weren’t the only family to forget. No one wants to be the reason a kid is heartbroken on their birthday or rob their own kids of an experience they’ll never forget. Adults know that when it happens, the reason often has more to do with hectic schedules than anything, but it’s not very likely the child will feel that way. 

Alfons was rushing to a party to make sure that didn’t happen again when he first thought up the idea for JahWow. He wanted to create a comprehensive solution for tracking dates, times and locations so parents would get an instant reminder that didn’t leave room for mistakes. 

Fewer Costs and More Convenience

One of the most lauded features of the app is the ability to make and send customized party invites in just a few clicks. Receive instant notifications if a child can or can’t attend to help set your child’s expectations. Keep other families in the loop with in-app communication and push notifications for important updates. Plus, track gifts to-buy and gifts received to prevent any upsets. Single parents can request that their co-parents receive an invite too, so that everyone can stay in the loop. Alfons thought of almost everything.

Single Dads as Problem Solvers

Before anyone thinks we’re sponsoring this app, we’re not. It’s a free download. You can try it or not. Our kids are all adults now, so we have no skin in this particular game.

It’s the creation of the app that has us excited as it demonstrates how dads – single dads or otherwise – often have answers all parents are seeking. You shouldn’t be afraid of giving your input. And don’t feel like you have to stay focused on “masculine” issues just because you’re a dad.

With JahWOW, Alfons isn’t just helping parents stay sane or making sure their kids get to have fun. He’s preventing the kind of mistakes that can cause social issues for children. That’s important work … wrapped up in a party application. 

What problems have your children inspired you to solve? Have you moved forward or are you letting intimidation stop you? Turn that around today, or post below for help in getting the support you need to turn your ideas into reality.

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