Mississippi Gets New Fathers’ Rights Law Firm

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The state of Mississippi just received a new fathers’ rights gift: a branch of Cordell & Cordell – the law firm that has made a name for itself by focusing on family law for men. The new Cordell & Cordell law office is in Ridgeway Mississippi.


As founder Joseph E. Cordell explained to the Mississippi Business Journal, “Men can be at a disadvantage with (sic) it comes to divorce custody agreements and property settlements,” adding that “[I]n the past even though he had clients who were the better parent, they still couldn’t get across the finish line in the courts.”

That of course was also the experience of DadsRights.org founder and fathers’ rights attorney Anne Mitchell.

Cordell & Cordell CEO, Scott Trout, says that there will be two attorneys staffing the office.

Trout elaborates on why the law firm started specializing in family law for fathers. “We found that guys faced a much more uphill battle in their pursuit of custody and financial matters. That is really what we saw. Guys didn’t have anyone who would stand up for their interests. For Cordell & Cordell, it evolved into we were getting more and more men coming to our firm, and we began to focus on representing guys in divorce.”

In fact, about 95% of their clients are fathers, with mothers representing only a small fraction of their practice.

Adds Trout, “You find pockets of gender stereotyping. We tend to fall into old stereotypes that dad should work and mom should stay at home. Those rules have changed. Often both mom and dad work. There is a significant increase in the number of women breadwinners who are bringing in the majority of the income for the household. That is what has changed factually, so we want to break the stereotypes to meet facts.”

“There are studies that show that kids are far better in divorce when both parents are involved equally,” Trout said. “While there are cases where we are trying to get primary custody for guys, there are many other cases where we are just trying to keep both parents involved in their children’s lives. That is what makes family law so unique. Out of ten cases, you could have ten different factors affecting the schedule. It requires more attention by the practitioner and the judge to create a schedule that accomplishes the best interest of the child to maximum time with parents,” added Trout.

The new fathers’ rights law office is at 1000 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite 5203, Ridgeland, MS 39157

You can reach Cordell & Cordell at 866-323-7529

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1 thought on “Mississippi Gets New Fathers’ Rights Law Firm

  1. wish they had been here 12 year’s ago. I still have some aspect outstanding though so i will likely try snd talk to them. Hope they will be better lawyers for dads in Mississippi. But a lot also falls on the Judges shoulders

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