Your Rights

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Just what rights a single father has really depends on your perspective. The legal system seems to view single fathers as having the right to pay, and pay, and pay. Many (but certainly not all) single mothers believe that the father has the right to “get out of my life and leave me alone.”


We believe that single fathers, and their children, (should) have the right to have an unimpeded relationship, just as they did before the disuniting of the family.

However, we all know that is rarely the case. The reality is that the ‘get’ is that moms get the kids, and dads get to pay. is dedicated to offering information and support to help level that playing field. A lot of that information is compacted into the book by fathers’ rights lawyer and founder, Anne P. Mitchell, They’re Your Kids Too: The Single Father’s Guide to Defending Your Fatherhood in a Broken Family Law System.

And you can find legal referral and support organizations in your state with our State-by-State Legal Directory.

If you’re in the middle of a family law case, or about to enter one, we urge you to check out Dads Rights Academy. We promise you that it will not only be the best $247 you’ll ever spend on your case, but also that it has the potential to save you thousands of dollars, not to mention years of heartache.

That said, you can also find a lot of helpful information right here on our site and, as importantly, you will find the support and friendship of other single fathers who have been through it in our forums.

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