Since 1998, we’ve worked hard to be an online resource for single dads who needed advice and support. Now we have one more way of helping make that happen with our new Facebook group, located at:
We have a Facebook page too, but as Facebook has made more and more changes to the way that Facebook pages are handled, they are now all about earning Facebook money, and not at all about facilitating conversations. The Fathers’ Rights by group let dads interact with one another.
The group gives fathers a chance to have meaningful conversations. You can look to other dads for solutions for problems you’re dealing with now. You can make friends and find new resources to help you be the best dad you can be, and to help you deal with the issues that are unique to single fathers in society and in the family law system.
While posting on a Facebook group is not the same as having a private conversation, there is an anonymous post feature that allows you to reach out without sharing your name. You also have opportunities to make friends and have those personal conversations you might need.
According to fathers’ rights attorney and founder, Anne Mitchell:
“We have just created a group for everyone here. The reason for this is that over the years Facebook has made so many changes to Facebook Pages like this one that all they are about is advertising, and you can’t actually have a good discussion. Please join the group here:
See you there, and looking forward to some great discussions!”
How to Join
Joining the Fathers’ Rights discussion group is as simple as going to and clicking on “Join”.
You can also opt-in to an email list if you’d like to receive email notifications of new articles and resources posted at has been providing fathers with the support they need for more than 20 years, and we are pleased to be able to offer this new forum for members to talk, share resources and ideas, and to have a chance to interact with others who ‘get it’.
So join the discussions now! What are you waiting for?
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