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Posted in Fathers and Society General Matters

Grown Kids of Single Fathers Share Their Favorite Memories of Dad

If we learned anything in our recent article about hardships faced by dads, a recurring challenge is unsolicited commentary about how much better off the kids would be with their mothers.

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Posted in General Matters

Advocate Tries to Change ‘Fathers Day’ to “Special Persons’ Day”

A woman calling herself an advocate for social justice for children (and also calling herself Dr. Red Ruby Scarlet, which she insists is her real name) has called for the abolition of Fathers’ Day, instead renaming it to “Special Person’s Day”.

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Posted in General Matters

When Parents are Both Minors and Their Families Object

Dear Esq.   I have a brief question. A friend of a friend has a younger sister, 16 years old, who became pregnant by a young man of the same age. In a nutshell, the girl’s family mistreats her now because she is Mexican and her boyfriend is black. The…