Month: February 2021
Angry at Your Ex? Here are Three Ways to Keep it From Affecting Your Kids
Couple issues can easily boil over and affect your life in other areas. You have to be careful these problems don’t affect your relationship with your children.
3 Winning Strategies to Get Increased Parenting Time
There are a lot of custodial parents out there just begging their co-parents to take their kids more. There’s also a lot of non-custodial parents begging for more time with the kids. It seems like there should be an easy solution, right? Unfortunately, co-parenting paranoia can throw a wrench in the works. Here are three winning strategies to help you increase the amount of parenting time that you get with your kids.
3 Tips to Keep Custody Exchanges from Becoming a Nightmare
Some co-parents are really good at pushing buttons, and there’s no worse time for playing these games than during a parenting time exchange. Having a yelling match with your child’s other parent in front of your children is not what you want. Ideally, you want the time they spend with you to begin and end on a happy note. So what can you do when your co-parent parent is spoiling for a fight?
Dealing with Issues When You Work Full-Time and Your Ex Doesn’t Have a Job
Too many single dads work too much, have limited time to share with their kids, and get put to shame for it by a co-parent who doesn’t have a job. Here’s what to do about it.
Will the IRS Take Your or Your Spouse’s Tax Refund for Past Due Child Support? Here’s What You Need to Know
Tax season can be stressful and may be particularly fraught with headaches this year. You’ll be able to weather those challenges easier if you’re prepared. Before you file your taxes, check to see if there are offsets that will take money from your refund.