single father with children drinking milk
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Posted in Fathers and Family Law The Law

Grieving Dad Who Was Jailed for Criticizing the Courts Is Freed by Jury Trial

A Michigan father was jailed for calling out a corrupt legal system. Now a jury says he had the right. How does Facebook factor in to your custody case?

hiring a hitman
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Posted in Custody & Parenting Time The Law

Wisconsin Woman Jailed for Taking Hit Out on Child’s Father

Women are just as likely as men to take out a hit on an ex. Fortunately, the contracts are rarely completed. The reason why was a nasty surprise for one Wisconsin mom.

All Pro Dad program
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Posted in Fathers and Society

Schools in Many States Recognize Importance of Fathers with ‘All Pro Dads’ Program – is Your State Among Them?

Schools in many areas, such as in Shelby County, Alabama, started the year off right by promoting the importance of dads in education. A new program called All Pro Dads aims to bring fathers into schools.