nows war on single fathers
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Posted in Fathers and Society

NOW’s Hidden Agenda and War on Fathers’ Rights

The National Organization for Women (NOW) claims that it is about full equality between men and women. Those who espouse true equality are known as equality feminists. NOW is not an equality feminism organization – rather it is a gender feminism organization. Gender feminism espouses that women need special treatment and protections by virtue of their gender. And, for NOW, this includes special protections against men having equal parenting rights.

rick santorum father absence
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Posted in Custody & Parenting Time Fathers and Society

Rick Santorum says Time to Discuss the Connection Between School Shooters and Father Absence

Former GOP senator Rick Santorum has said that it’s time to discuss a striking commonality among most school shooters: they come from father-absent households. Many have twisted this to say that he is blaming single mothers, and that’s poppycock. Regardless of on which side of the political spectrum you lay, the reality is that he’s right.

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Posted in Tax Matters Child Support / Spousal Support

How the New Tax Laws from 2017 – 2018 Affect Single Fathers and What You Should Do About It

As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the new tax law passed in 2017, and effective in 2018, has serious impacts for single fathers. The most glaring of these impacts – which also seems to be the least covered – is that it it completely does away with the deduction for spousal support (also known as ‘alimony’ or ‘maintenance’). Here’s what you should do to deal with this.

mother jailed baptism baptizing
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Posted in Custody & Parenting Time Fathers and Family Law

Mother Sentenced to Jail for Having Child Baptized without Father’s Knowledge or Agreement

In a novel twist, a mother in North Carolina was jailed after having the divorced couple’s daughter baptized without the father’s permission. What makes this situation so unique is not only that the mother was sentenced and jailed, but also that while the parents actually agreed in principle that they wanted their daughter to be baptized, and to be raised Catholic, the court had granted full legal custody of the child to the father.

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Posted in Tax Matters Child Support / Spousal Support The Law

The New Tax Law Does Away with Alimony, Spousal Support Deduction

With very little fanfare, the new tax law that was passed at the very end of December, 2017, and which is effective in 2018, did away with the requirement that spousal support (previously known as alimony) receivers declare spousal support as income and, on the other side of the balance sheet, did away with the deduction for spousal support payers.

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Posted in Organizations for Fathers Fathers and Family Law Fathers and Society

Mississippi Gets New Fathers’ Rights Law Firm

The state of Mississippi just received a new fathers’ rights gift: a branch of Cordell & Cordell – the law firm that has made a name for itself by focusing on family law for men.