Month: October 2017
Mother’s False Accusations Lead to Misuse of Amber Alert
A mother’s false accusations led to the misuse of an Amber Alert, as well as the father being erroneously targeted as having “taken his child when he had no parental rights” (he actually does have parental rights), being identified as a “suspect”, and him having been taken into custody before everything was cleared up.
Woman Charged with Felony Deprivation of Parental Rights for Not Delivering Child for Father’s Parenting Time
A Minnesota woman has been charged with multiple felonies stemming from her failure to make the child available to the father during the father’s parenting time. In fact, in addition to failing to produce the child at the appointed time, she stated that she had put the child in foster care (she had not actually done so).
Law Presuming Equal Parenting in Missouri to be Introduced in Missouri Legislature
Missouri parents may find themselves one step closer to having the custody and parenting time playing field leveled, with the upcoming introduction of a bill which provides that when custody and parenting time are at issue, there is a presumption of shared custody.
Iowa Mother Arrested after Leaving 4 Children Alone in Order to Take Pleasure Trip to Germany
Police have arrested and jailed Erin Macke, of Johnston, Iowa, and charged the mother of four with endangering her children, ages 12, 12, 7, and 6. They have also charged the 30-year-old Macke with transferring a firearm to a person under the age of 21, because she left a firearm in the home which was accessible to the children. All of this so that she could take a 12-day pleasure trip to Germany. While originally she had child care in place, that fell through and she decided to take the trip anyway, leaving the two 12-year-olds in charge.
Police Stop 13-Year Old Boy with Alienated Father from Killing Self After Being Abandoned by His Mother
Police in Dubai have kept a 13-year-old boy who was abandoned by his mother, after she had successfully alienated him from his father for many years, from committing suicide. The boy, left alone when his mother took off to the Netherlands, had called the police, saying that he was going to kill himself. After the police convinced the boy to let them into the apartment, where he was all alone, it became clear that he had in fact tried to cut his own wrists.