happy fathers day hand writing on glass mirror
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Posted in Custody & Parenting Time

Single Fathers: If You Don’t Get Your Kids for Fathers’ Day this May be Why

As Fathers’ Day approaches, many single dads find themselves in the untenable situation of being fathers, yet not being able to be with their children on that most fatherly of all holidays, Fathers’ Day. This may be why.

woman with pregnancy test
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Posted in Fathers and Society

Should Men be Able to Decline Paternity During Same Period that Women Can Get an Abortion?

In what is unfortunately being called a ‘male abortion’, conversations are happening about whether men should have the right to decline paternity for an unplanned pregnancy during the same period of time in which the woman could legally have an abortion.

Having parenting time order in-hand is important
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Posted in Abuse and Accusations

Woman Tries to Pin Boyfriend’s Sex Abuse of Toddler Daughters on Their Father – Has Rights Terminated

A Michigan woman who last year tried to blame her ex, the father of her twin toddler daughters, for sexual abuse of their daughters, when her new boyfriend was actually the perpetrator, has had her parental rights terminated, in addition to serving 30 days in jail, and having two years of probation. The girls’ father now has full custody.

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Posted in Abuse and Accusations Custody & Parenting Time

Journalist Blames Right to Contact with Both Parents for Damage Done to Women in Family Court

In the below news report, a journalist blames the family court rule that a child has the right to regular contact with both children for the “damage done” to women, mainly that their accusations of abuse don’t work to get the “abuser” out of the child’s life. While there are women who are genuinely in fear, it’s also true that lots of women make accusations of domestic violence (DV) during divorce in hopes that it will persuade the court to give them sole custody, and get that “loser, abuser man” out of their lives.

mother child kidnapped
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Posted in Parental Kidnapping

Children Taken by Mothers and Adopted by Step-Fathers Helped by New Access to Birth and Adoption Records

The move in many states, such as in Colorado in the story linked below, to provide for more open access to birth records and adoption records, has had an effect that is all too rarely swept under the rug: allowing grown children whose mothers have removed them from their fathers lives, and had another man adopt and raise them as their own, to finally be able to learn who their real fathers are, and to reach out and contact them.