Month: February 2016
Posted in Child Support / Spousal Support
Passports and the Truth about How the Federal Real ID Requirements for Travel Will Impact Child Support Payers
February 22, 2016 1 Comment
You may have heard that starting this year you will need a passport to travel by air, even within the United States. While this is not accurate, what is true is that starting in 2018 (not 2016) you will need a compliant driver’s license or other ID card in order to travel by air, and one such acceptable form of identification is a passport. However, it is not true that if you don’t have a passport and are from Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire or New York (these are the states mentioned most often in the misinformation), you will be unable to board a domestic flight. Here are the facts.
What ObamaCare Requires of Divorced Parents
February 9, 2016 1 Comment
Now that ObamaCare has been in full swing for over a year, you may wonder how it affects divorced parents.